Sitemap - 2023 - The Infinite Universe

Electrons are real but magnetic fields might not be

Are black holes real?

Solutions to three problems in quantum gravity

This quantum theory may be Bohmian mechanics done right

How Einstein knew God

Determined but free

The Multiverse and the Anthropic Principle are not enough

Schoedinger's holography and quantum gravity

What's wrong with quantum immortality?

A new theory of quantum gravity in superspace

Is holographic spacetime real?

Barbenheimer perfectly captures why America abandoned nuclear

Tired of tired light

We may be close to being able to predict earthquakes

Studies show that the universe may not be expanding

Dark matter has been observed to have density spikes near black hole event horizons

The MOND controversy heats up with wide binary systems

The real reason to build a bigger supercollider

Black hole soft hair, the edge of the universe, and closed timelike curves

If the universe is alive, how would we tell?

Physics as the new religion: will Millennials embrace it?

There is plenty of room at the quantum bottom

Particles are emergent properties of fields

Do weak measurements allow us to see into parallel realities?

Dynamic histories interpretation of quantum physics and whether the past can change

Neuroscience tells us that religion is not like other beliefs even if you are an atheist

Weak measurements break our understanding of the universe

The wonder mindset and the dark sector

What detoxifies the mind

Is suffering worthwhile?

The Arrow of Time may come from higher dimensional frame dragging

Is every true thing certainly true?